
  • Falls ihr nicht jedesmal ins Limbo Menu wollt, um eine neue Waffe oder Spielerklasse auszuwählen, könnt ihr auch alles auf einzelne Tasten binden:

    bind X "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 10;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Flame Thrower"
    bind X "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 6;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Mauser"
    bind X "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 8;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Panzerfaust"
    bind X "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 9;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Venom Gun"
    bind X "mp_playertype 3;mp_weapon 3;echo You will respawn as a ^2Lieutenant with a ^3MP40"
    bind X"mp_playertype 3;mp_weapon 4;echo You will respawn as a ^2Lieutenant with a ^3Thompson"
    bind X "mp_playertype 3;mp_weapon 5;echo You will respawn as a ^2Lieutenant with a ^3Sten"
    bind X "mp_playertype 2;mp_weapon 4;echo You will respawn as a ^2Engineer with a ^3Thompson"
    bind X "mp_playertype 1;mp_weapon 4;echo You will respawn as a ^2Medic with a ^3Thompson"