Spawntimer 2

  • //Delete the timer
    timerSet 0
    //Fix the spawn time of the enemy
    set respawn_myside "vstr respawn_axis"
    //Reset the reset command :-)
    set reset_respawn "vstr reset_respawn1"

    In the file autoexec_axis.cfg, add the following lines :

    //Delete the timer
    timerSet 0
    //Fix the spawn time of the enemy
    set respawn_myside "vstr respawn_allies"
    //Reset the reset command :-)
    set reset_respawn "vstr reset_respawn1"

    In the file autoexec.cfg, add the following lines to fix the default value of the enemies spawns and to bind a key to launch the spawntimer :

    set respawn_axis "timerSet 30"
    set respawn_allies "timerSet 20"

    set reset_respawn1 "vstr respawn_myside;resetTimer;echo ^xSpawnTimer ^7:^2Reset;set reset_respawn vstr reset_respawn2"
    set reset_respawn2 "resetTimer;echo ^xSpawnTimer ^7:^2Reset"
    set reset_respawn "vstr reset_respawn1"
    bind X "vstr reset_respawn"

    Step 2

    The spawn times are not always the same on each map. Allies do not always spawn every 20 secs ... That is why we propose here to bind a key to display the enemy spawn time and to fix it in the dedicated spawntimer menu.

    In the file autoexec_allies.cfg, add the following lines :

    set set_respawn "toggleconsole; g_redlimbotime; wait 200; toggleconsole; openTimerInput"

    In the file autoexec_axis.cfg, add the following lines :
    set set_respawn "toggleconsole; g_bluelimbotime; wait 200; toggleconsole; openTimerInput"

    In the file autoexec.cfg, add the following lines to bind the key

    bind X "vstr reset_respawn;vstr set_respawn"